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WRC 23 Telemetry Watch

The ICTS will strive to keep it members and associates informed on international threats and challenges to RF telemetry spectrum.

The 2023 World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC 2023) will be addressing several agenda items that could affect the international telemetering community. ICTS members are encouraged to pass-on information they may have on these impacts to and we will post that information here and in our annual Newsletter. Our goal is to keep our telemetering community aware of these threats so they keep their own national administrations informed of national impacts. As a result, we hope their national ITU representatives can make informed decisions and presentations in ITU working party and regional discussions.

Agenda Item 1.1; The International flight test telemetry community should be watching WRC23 agenda item 1.1 currently being discussed in Working Party 5B. This agenda item (affecting 4800-4900MHz) could affect telemetry operation in region 2 and Australia. Adequate protection criteria for aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) must be provided.

Flight Test telemetry users in region 2 (North America, South America) and Australia (and potentially other areas) that use the middle C-Band allocated by the WRC in 2007 for AMT (4400-4940 MHz) should monitor this agenda item closely.